Battery Low/Critical CSV Export in Device Manager
Table of Contents
Device Manager has a reports tab where users can select the Battery Status report. This allows the user the ability to run a low battery report on command. To run the report the user would select the Reports tab and then select Battery Status (CSV).
For Telematics Guru users, there is an equivalent report that can be run and scheduled from within TG - Partner Battery Level Status Report
The user is required to have the 'Device Manager' permission enabled.

Battery Status Report
Devices that have had the battery good flag unset the last time they have committed data in Device Manager will appear on the report. The report details the product type, serial number, and battery status (low or critical) along with the date since it has been in the particular status.
Once the battery good flag is reset, i.e. fresh batteries added and the device has connected & committed in Device Manager, the report can be run once more and will update the list accordingly.
What Does My Battery Status Mean?
Two statuses can be seen when the report is run and that is either Low or Critical.
- Low
- The battery has dipped below the battery good threshold (see links below for battery monitoring details for each device type).
- The time to change the batteries will depend on multiple factors including the reporting rate. It is always best to change the batteries sooner rather than later once this status is seen.
- Critical
- A brownout has occurred. The batteries will need to be changed as soon as possible!
The "Battery Voltage" and "Battery Status" grid in Device Manger is colour coded to indicate healthy, low and critical battery. A device with Healthy battery will have the voltage text shown with plain background and bold green battery status icon. A device with low battery will have voltage text in red with the battery icon in half yellow to indicate the status. A device with critical battery will have the grid highlighted in red and an empty battery icon highlighted in red.

Viewing Individual Device Data
The status can be found for an individual device via the device details tab in Device Manger.
Click on below icon for the device you are interested in:
A new window will open with the device details tab. The battery status information, if low or critical and an estimated battery level and battery consumption breakdown graphs are shown.