Connecting to Telematics Guru over Senet
Table of Contents
Senet is a LoRaWAN network software provider. They are based in the USA, but run networks around the world.
Telematics Guru now supports Oyster LoRaWAN data from Senet. For now, it is uplink only integration. Future support may include:
- OTA configuration changes via downlinks.
The Yabby device will also be supported, with a minor change to the URL endpoint. The Guppy is not currently supported because the network does not supply a latitude/longitude estimate.
1. Get LoRa Basic Auth credentials from DM Support
Contact your local DM support office and ask them to create basic auth credentials for your partner account. They will supply them in the form "username" and "password". You will need to combine the two as "username:password" and then base64 encode them. A tool like this is useful:
For example:
- Username: 8n4pjy14bpid56bk
- Password: 27dddefa14b52807694eee3c0316f017
- Base64 encoding of "8n4pjy14bpid56bk:27dddefa14b52807694eee3c0316f017": OG40cGp5MTRicGlkNTZiazoyN2RkZGVmYTE0YjUyODA3Njk0ZWVlM2MwMzE2ZjAxNw==
2. Setup the endpoint in Senet's backend:
The screenshot below shows the key details:
- Select "Forward To" as "HTTP".
- Select the URL from the table below the screenshot. This is region dependent.
- Add a header:
- The Key should be Authorization.
- The header value should be Basic <Base64>. Eg "Basic OG40cGp5MTRicGlkNTZiazoyN2RkZGVmYTE0YjUyODA3Njk0ZWVlM2MwMzE2ZjAxNw=="
Region specific details for the URL (2):
To support the Yabby, create a different endpoint targeting http://device-<region> Edit <region> for your region.
3. Create the assets in TG:
Create the required assets in Telematics Guru. Use the Device Type "Oyster LoRaWAN". Use this article as a guide.
This should complete the setup and the device should show up in Telematics Guru after it has joined the Senet network and sent a GPS data uplink (port 1).
If a device is not connecting, check the following:
- Is the device joining the Senet network and sending data uplinks? The device will not show "connected" in TG until it has joined the network and sent a device data uplink (port 1).
- If it has joined and sent an uplink, double check the following:
- The URL setup in Senet's backend matches the table above, for your region.
- The Header is correct: "Authorization" key; "Basic<space><base64 encoded username:password>"