The Asset Utilisation Report
Table of Contents
The Asset Utilisation is designed to classify assets as 'Utilised' if they have the following conditions:
- Time spent IN TRIP
- BY selected assets
- WITHIN a declared time period.
This is useful for fleet management and tracking depot usage, or time spent outside a particular area.
For example, we may consider assets well utilised if they spend a significant proportion outside of a given depot during the week, and underutilized if they remain in the depot, parked all month.
To access the report, navigate to Admin → Reports. It is found under the Fleet Reports Section
If it is not shown, you may need to add it to the Organisation's or given user's reports.
Asset Utilisation Detail Report
For the constraints of all assets, for trips outside of geofence 'Subiaco' between 07:00 and 15:00 on Monday the 6th of July, the report generates the below data, consisting of two sections.
Fleet Trip List Summary

Trip Count
Number of trips for the Day
Time in Geofence
Total time spent inside selected Geofence
This is calculated by checking if the trip starting point is in the selected geofence, and if the start time is within Work Hours (start) and Work Hours (end).
If this is true, then:
- The time in geofence is incremented by the time since the previous trip ended. This is the time from the start of the work day till the trip started.
- Or from when the previous trip ended till the next trip started.
Then, the report checks if the trip ended in the selected geofence. If this is true, this trip's duration is added to the time in geofence, if no duration value exists yet for the trip, no time is added.
If the last trip for the asset ended in the selected geofence, it is inferred that the asset remained there until the end of the time period.
Time ex Geofence
Trip time spent outside selected Geofence
The time spent outside the geofence is calculated by taking the full time of the Work Hours configured, and if none are selected then 24 hours is used. From there the time within the geofence is subtracted.
It is possible to have a negative time due to the following:
If there are trips that begin within work hours, and end outside work hours - and trips that start and end outside of the work hours - the total trip time will be longer than the work hours.
Once this total trip time is subtracted from the work hours - we reach a negative value.
% time ex Geofence
percentage of trip time spent outside selected Geofence
Distance (km)
Total distance travelled
First trip start time
Asset started moving at this time
Last trip end time
Asset stopped moving for the day at this time
Usage Profile by Asset
The other half of the Utilisation report consists of an hourly breakdown for the time period declared.
Here you can see when a specific asset was in trip outside the declared geofence and the breakdown of those statistics.
For example;
The asset Toyota Hilux was in trip during the hours periods
- 0800 → 0900
- 1000 → 1100
- 1200 → 1300
- 1400 → 1600
Totalling usage of 45% usage during the time period of 7am to 5pm. Overall, all assets together were in trip for just over 10% of the time period.
Weekly Utilisation Report
Similar to the daily utilisation report, the weekly variant highlights the days of individual assets were in trip outside the selected geofence and calculates the usage statistics.