SensorData LoRaWAN® - LoRaWAN® Setup
The SensorData LoRaWAN usually connects using Over The Air Activation (OTAA). When provisioning to a LoRaWAN 1.0 network, the following are required:
DevEUI: Hard coded on devices. Can be read using the configuration app, or from a label printed on the device.
JoinEUI / AppEUI: A 16 digit code. Uses either the default value (70-B3-D5-70-50-00-00-02 for all SensorData LoRaWANs), or the value programmed using the configuration app.
NwkKey (1.1) / AppKey (1.0): A 32 digit code used to authenticate the device on the network. Either the hard coded (random) default value can be used (read using the configuration app), or a user/server defined value can be programmed using the configuration app.
Region: LoRaWAN region.
Channel Mask: Only required in the US915 and AU915 regions. Used to set the network frequencies. Using an incorrect channel mask will cause unreliable data transmission.
Rejoin Period: This period, in days, is the time between a forced device reset, which will cause a rejoin to the network. A suggested value for this is 2 weeks (14 days), but specific network guidelines should be followed (some networks prefer a join not more than once every 21 days).
Depending on the chosen network server, the JoinEUI / AppEUI and NwkKey / AppKey may be generated by the server and written to the device, or read from the device and provided to the server.