Oyster Sigfox Certifications
This article specifies the documentation related to compliance tests, reports and certifications that the Oyster Sigfox device has undergone. Below is a list of certifications available for the Oyster Sigfox device and their descriptions.
ACMA Certification (For Australia)
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Certification is a mandatory requirement for devices connecting to the mobile phone network. The Report shows compliance of the Oyster Sigfox device to the applicable mandatory standards specified within the ACMA Telecommunications (Labelling Notice for Customer Equipment and Customer Cabling) Instrument 2015; also known as the TLN.
RED Certification
The Oyster Sigfox device has undergone this test to ensures that the radio equipment/device adheres to the requirements set by the 2016/53/EU standards and that it satisfies the essential requirements for safety and health, electromagnetic compatibility, efficient, and legal use of the use of the radio spectrum.
EMC Certification
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) testing ensures that the Oyster Sigfox electronic or electrical device doesn't emit excessive amounts of electromagnetic interference (known as radiated and conducted emissions) and that the device continues to function as intended in the presence of several electromagnetic phenomena according to regulated standards.
Safety Test Certification
The tests report shows the various safety tests carried out on the device and that the Oyster Sigfox complies with Safety regulations according to the following specifications: IEC 60950-1:2005, A1:2009 A2:2013 and SANS 60950-1:2014